May 17-19, 2024

 Men of Frontier!

I wanted to give you all a heads up of something really special we are planning! We've been discussing and praying into doing a men's getaway where we can lean into a fresh vision for where God wants to take our community and what that requires especially for us men. 

We were starting to call this a retreat. But this is NOT a retreat. This is a Vision Weekend. This is a weekend to get away and seek God for a new vision for us as men to step into together.

I've never been more convinced that the future of Frontier is going to be dependent on what kind of clarity of vision our men step into as we navigate the cultural tensions of our day.

Would you do everything possible to join us? 

We've never done a weekend away with just the men. I feel some significant things are going to happen to reset each of our lives as individuals, and to covenant us together as men with purpose in LA. 

We were able to lock in some dates at one of the closest mountain retreat centers in the area at Angeles Crest Christian Camp, May 17-19! (

We realized doing something in the summer is near impossible, so this is the latest spring date that works this year before summer craziness! 

It's a bit short notice, but we are hoping to still get a great group to join us... The heart and hope is that this can be a weekend to establish a fresh vision for our men to rally around, build on, and live out back in LA...

We feel this to be a significant weekend for a shift in the way we raise up, walk with,  and develop men in our community.


The schedule for the weekend will be Friday afternoon May 17, through Sunday morning, May 19th. The cost will be $199 for two nights lodging, 5 meals, and use of the facilities. Any where finances are an issue we will scholarship as many as we can!

Pay via Venmo (@frontierchurch) or bring a check to the retreat. 

So save the date! Married guys tell your wives early that this is important and plan ahead!

So much love,




We are very much still in the planning process for this weekend, but here are some things that stir my heart for our men as we navigate the way of Jesus in our day...

The Invitation to Another "KIND" of Counter-Cultural Community:

Men are hungry for the life of the Spirit described after Pentecost characterized by harmonious fellowship with others of like-mind and spirit, sharing grace and love, forgiving as we are forgiven, and finding rest from the ruthless, dog-eat-dog world of "Babel" (chaos & confusion).

The temptations men have are to resist (1) forsaking the Spirit and relying on one’s own human will-power and (2) isolating oneself from others and individualizing our social & ethical task.

  1. Relying on SELF instead of PRESENCE

  2. ISOLATION under a system of INDIVIDUALISM 

  • Ignoring the Spirit's empowering invitation, and relying on your human will power...

  • Isolating yourself from others and individualizing the vision of Heaven on Earth...

  • You can’t do it alone & you are not supposed to!



  1. DIFFICULTY. From EASE to DIFFICULTY. Boys want ease. Men embrace difficulty.

  2. OTHERS. From SELF to OTHERS. Boys care about themselves. Men consider others.

  3. STORY. From the WHOLE to a PART. The story isn’t all about you. You are in a larger story.

  4. SURRENDER. From CONTROL to SURRENDER. Captain of your fate. Surrender to another.

  5. ETERNAL. From TEMPORARY to ETERNAL. Boys think about now. Men embrace eternity.


  • What does a man need to know, to be a disciple of Jesus?

  • What does a man need to know, to be a lover of women?

  • What does a man need to know, to be a  leader of others?

  • What does a man need to know, to be a warrior with a cause?

  • What does a man need to know, to be a brother in brotherhood?

  • What does a man need to know, to be a wiseman in a culture of fools?