Sunday Gathering // 10 AM // Hamilton Elementary // 2089 Rose Villa St, Pasadena, 91107
IN-PERSON: We gather every Sunday at 10!
ON-LINE: Not able to make it in person? Join us for our live streaming Sunday Service on YouTube every Sunday at 10am! Recordings are on our media page as well!
Worship Service starts @ 10.
Pre-service prayer starts @ 9:30
Plenty of easy & safe street parking on surrounding streets of Hamilton Elementary!
Parking around Hamilton Elementary is easy + safe, in a quiet residential neighborhood.
YOUTH (AGES 11-16): The youth currently worship with the adults and then are released to youth ministry. On the 1st Sundays of the month, the youth stay in service with the. adults.
KIDS (AGES 4-10): Check-in starts at 9:45 am! Kids ages 4-10 participate in worship & a fun interactive lesson that involves scripture, discussion, games, and crafts. We have an electronic check-in station straight down the hall from the main entrance. On the first Sundays of the month we have kids stay worship with their parents before being released to kids ministry.
TODDLERS (AGES 1-3): Check-in starts at 9:45 am at same location as other kids ministry. This class is designed to help toddlers unite and delight in God’s presence and learn foundational truths of the Word. Parents are welcome to stay for the first few times your child attends, but we encourage you to be refreshed in the main service thereafter! This class is available every Sunday of the month for the entirety of the service!
BABIES (under 1): Babies are welcome to stay with parents during the service! We have a small room available for nursing moms behind the auditorium but there is currently no designated classroom space for little ones under 1 year old. Please feel free to bring your child with you to service and care for them however you most feel comfortable!
For those new, please feel welcome to come however you are! As far as attire, most dress however they feel, and generally casual! We are a complete mix of people of all ages, cultures, and spiritual backgrounds. We start worship at 10 am, and the service generally closes at 11:30.
Flow of our service:
We generally begin the service with 30 minutes of worship + music, followed by a few announcements and perhaps a testimony of what God is doing in our community, and then we have a 30-40 minute message that is always rooted in Scripture, applied in our culture, and meant to be practiced in our community for our spiritual formation.
After service, we typically give space to respond to the message in worship, prayer, or however you feel led- whether you’d like to come forward and receive ministry by our trained ministry team or pray/worship at your seat.
The service typically lasts approximately 90 minutes and then we give space for everyone to “linger”… you can leave if you need, or stay and receive ministry, pray, or chat over coffee!
Holy Spirit-led Ministry
We try to make space during worship to respond uniquely to the Holy Spirit- that may simply be to pray together, other times we might minister to a specific area that feels highlighted, or have someone share a testimony, scripture or picture God showed them. The value we carry is that our worship is never a structured performance, but a response to God’s Presence among us!
Regardless of where you are at, we always make a space for people to come forward and receive prayer or ministry for anything they are going through at the end of the service- whether you simply want some encouragement, healing in your body, or want to open your life to God, we have a team ready & eager to encourage & pray with you!
After service, please stay, grab a coffee or tea, and connect with us! Visitors please see the welcome table at entrance where we have a gift for you & you can fill out a connection card if you’d like to get connected or get more info to our community!