We currently are offering several types of groups at Frontier that are designed for our spiritual formation + discipleship in community.

*Please note that due to the Eaton Fires in Altadena/Pasadena, many of our Frontier Communities have been deeply affected so our current offerings are limited temporarily! Still please join groups and contact the hosts below where schedules + groups align! Please also connect to our men’s & women’s monthly groups that are launching in full swing!

Men’s Groups are new monthly gatherings specifically designed for a smaller band of brothers (8-15 men) to regularly get together over breakfast and strengthen each other professionally, personally, & spiritually. For more info, click the tab and fill out the interest form.

Women’s Groups currently include a monthly women’s gathering and a monthly mom’s gathering. Clock the tab above to contact our Community Pastor for more details or to sign up to be part of either!


Twice a year (In the fall & at the new-year), we take a 40 day season to all lean into a singular spiritual formation area together as a community... Most groups continue to meet through the season (on average 8-10x from Sep-Dec or Feb-May), but no long-term commitment necessary!


Simply contact the host below of the group you are interested in! The host can then interact with you on details and whether the group is a good fit! Each group has different dynamics based on the types of people and times of the week they meet! We’d love to help you find a group if you are unsure what might be a good fit! Simply fill out the “Group Interest Form” above or contact our Community Pastor



Mon Evenings

Wed Evenings

Fri Evenings


Women of Wonder Writer’s Workshop

WoWWW (Women of Wonder Writer’s Workshop) is a community of writers from Frontier church. We exist to spur each other on (Heb 10:24) and sharpen each other (Prov 27:17), so we can put out the words and stories God has placed in our hearts (Psalm 45:1).

We welcome writers of all genres and at all stages of the writing journey. Contact Kristin Saito ( or Jessie Her ( if interested in joining!

Abraham + Bo Gin

Marcus + Helen Ibrahim

Casey + Megan Sbrana

Ryan + Suzy Weeks

Matt + Christina Kleinert

Thom + Maria Huang

John Keay

Michael + Tatiana Brown

Alec + Lindsey Blodgett

Bob + Sloan Walsh

Patrick + Ruth Fong

Stan + Amy Min

Brian + Queenie Fong

Matt + Michelle Gardner

Suzanne Shaw

Brandon + Kristin Saito

Daniel + Jessica Chu

Chris Chandler

Gene + Lee Dalais

Daniel + Fallon Phillips



In LA.

Our Communities intentionally pursue spiritual formation by utilizing “Practicing the Way” resources.

What does it mean to Practice (apprentice) under the Way of Jesus?

  1. Be with Jesus

    Worshipful Presence

    Slow down your life to live at the pace and in the presence of Jesus. Ancient Christians called this “the practice of the presence of God.” Jesus himself called it “abiding.” Discover a life of deep, intimate communion with God.

  2. Become like Jesus

    Formational Discipleship

    Be formed in your inner being to become a person of love in God. The end goal is to take on the inner life of Jesus himself so that the teachings of Jesus become second nature.

  3. Do what Jesus does

    Missional Contribution

    Do what he would do if he were you. Play your part. Fulfill your call. Make your contribution to the church and the world.

Practicing the Way of Jesus

As disciples of Jesus, we make it our aim to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Through teaching, practice, community, and the Holy Spirit, we are learning what it means to be a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus.


As the family of God, we take time each week to eat together, pray together, and share life together. It is in this ordinary rhythm of life in community that we become transformed to look like Jesus.


As missionaries to our city, we proclaim the good news of Jesus and do justice in our city. As we live and work in the city and share life together, we partner with God to see the Kingdom of God come in LA as it is in heaven.

Frontier Communities

We desire revival (the fullness of Jesus’ Way of Life) in our homes, neighborhoods, and city. We believe revival begins with us. Jesus demonstrated that it starts with the intimacy of those gathered around a table. If we desire revival in our city, we need to change our lives to prioritize the table… His table!

Church is more than a two-hour gathering on a Sunday. Church cannot be a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life… Frontier Communities are the primary way that we practice the way of Jesus, together, in Los Angeles, and we invite you to start or join a community in your neighborhood of the city!

Questions or interested in leading our hosting a community?

Contact Tiffany Souers (Our Community Pastor) for options!