Getting to Know You cg Guides


The first few weeks are really about connection. Before we dive into the great content in Acts, we want to establish a great relational rapport with our group. Feel free to come up with your own ideas for how to do that or take some suggestions below:

Break Bread

Enjoy the company of each other. Eat together with gratitude. If possible and/or if no food, take communion together. Ask highs and lows of the week.

Worship (Worship through a Psalm)

Transition to a space friendly for deep engagement. Worship through a Psalm

We are going to start a time of worship. For worship instead of singing songs, we are going to use a Psalm (the Israelite’s “Spotify” for worshiping God). This is how we’re going to do it. We are going to pick a Psalm. And each of us will read aloud 2 verses aloud. After it is read, we will spontaneously say a prayer of praise in response to what is read. When we feel led to continue (or after 1-2 min, we will continue onto the next 2 verses until the Psalm is complete.

Suggested Psalms:

  • Psalm 100

  • Psalm 8

  • Psalm 19

  • Psalm 92

  • Psalm 145

Ideas for connection

Share short testimonies

Testimonies are a powerful way to 1) know people’s stories 2) create a worshipful environment 3) cultivate trust. Have a few chosen people (maybe leaders?) to share how they came to know Jesus in a real way in 5-10 minutes. Potentially invite people to respond.

Story of my name

Have each person share the story behind their name—whether it’s the meaning, why their parents chose it, or a special nickname. This can reveal a lot about their family history and identity. Perhaps ask how God has redeemed / sees their name.

Communion together

Take communion together

  1. Decide on how to administrate elements.

    1. Consider sharing one loaf and one person breaking for the other, and one person pouring for the other

    2. Read from 1 Cor 11:23-29

    3. Optional: A time of quick thanksgiving, sharing of what Jesus sacrifice means to them in this moment.

    4. Partake of the elements together

Question Jar

Prepare a jar filled with slips of paper, each containing a different question

  1. What is one defining moment in your life that has shaped who you are today?

  2. If you could spend a day with any person, past or present, who would it be and why?

  3. Who has been a significant influence in your life, and what did they teach you?

  4. What’s something you’re passionate about and why?

  5. What’s something that God has been teaching you lately?

  6. Where are you spiritually right now and where do you want to be?

  7. If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it?

Extended Dinner intimate conversation

Perhaps take a few question above and stay at the intimate setting of meal and converse around the table.

Gender Group Prayer Time

Split into gender groups for sharing / prayer

Leaving Together

Say goodbye Stand at the door with a blessing and a hug