With the new request from the Mayor of Los Angeles asking for no gatherings of more than 50 people, we feel to honor that request and meet in homes in small groups this Sunday, March 15. Church is NOT canceled! We will be streaming the service live, giving vision and prayerful declarations we are believing for in the midst of this crisis, and releasing the faith we are to have as we step into these bizarre circumstances with love, faith, and hope. Crisis is opportunity. Join us on our Facebook page as we will be streaming live at 10am Sunday morning! Stay tuned for homes that will be hosting small group gatherings to worship and watch the streaming service together!
If you didn’t read the email we sent yesterday on our heart + posture in the midst of all this, please read below!
Faith over fear! Love to all!
Christian + Sue
UPDATE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 8:30 PM: (Note- please read the latest updates posted for most accurate information on our gatherings!)
Dear Frontier family,
What a bizarre time we are in as the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation has gripped the world, and each week brings new updates, challenges and decisions for us all to be part of making. So while we sent out a message last week, we realize that another update is needed as so much is happening all around us.
First, we want to continue to acknowledge that those in our community are likely all over the place in their emotions and convictions of this situation. Some are feeling like stopping anything is an act of "fear" or fueling fear... Some see no reason to risk anything, and are deeply disturbed by those who don't do anything possible to prevent the spread of this virus. Perhaps you are somewhere in between or just looking for guidance. Some of you live with elderly relatives, and need to be extra cautious and are navigating something many others can't relate to. We ask everyone to be full of COMPASSION + DEFIANT towards fear.
As we've navigated the situation, we are aware of our governor's current guidelines for mass gatherings in order to slow the spread of the virus, discouraging gatherings of more than 250 people in one place and encouraging healthy social distance. If we were a church with Sunday attendance over 250, we would be cancelling our Sunday services.
We want to be respectful and honor our government, and are also aware that many larger churches are canceling services. To be fair, most of the churches we are in relationship with and are monitoring, are still having opportunities for their "healthy" people to meet in small groups, homes, or gatherings where the 250 person gathering number is honored, as well as providing online access for people to take part in services, etc.
We are also aware that Pasadena has a confirmed case of Coronavirus.
The natural question right now is should a church that is within the realms of the state guidelines still meet together?
We have decided (at this point, and still monitoring things daily) to still gather as a church this Sunday at 10 am for worship. We have the luxury of being a small church with a relatively large space to gather, and see no issue with gathering our healthy people and being the voice of hope we are meant to be when within the state's requested guidelines. This may change before Sunday or in the coming weeks, and we may elect to gather in smaller groups in homes, so please keep checking our communication to stay updated!
First, allow me to speak to our gathering this Sunday. Beyond the precautions we took last Sunday, we will be taking a few extra precautions this Sunday.
Those sick or having any symptoms. We want to be extremely careful about those most vulnerable to the virus. We would encourage the elderly, those with weak immune systems, those living with elderly, and anyone who is at all ill to stay at home.
Some precautions. We will not be taking communion this Sunday, and will strongly encourage safe social distancing during our greeting time. Hand sanitizers will be freely available in the main auditorium, the info booth, and the children's ministry rooms.
We will be streaming the service on Facebook. If you stay home, please join us! A link will be provided on our Facebook page on Sunday morning.
Pastoral Care. If you need care related to Coronavirus, or have questions, please contact us at We may be announcing ways you can each be able to serve the community as we have them!
Small Group Gatherings Continue. Until it's deemed a risk to gather in smaller groups we will continue to gather in groups and classes as scheduled until further notice. Of course please stay home if you are sick or have symptoms!
Mission. The church is always to be ready to sacrificially serve during crisis. If you have insight or connections to ways we can serve our community during this time, we want to know! Contact us at
Advisory team. We are reaching out to both members within and outside our community for wisdom on how to navigate the crisis. If you're capable of contributing to this team, please contact us!
I'd like to encourage all of you to read this article, "Love in the Time of Coronavirus." As a leader, I have even found myself adjusting some of the things I have been saying. "It's going to be OK" is something I have said, and realize may not be helpful. Dealing with FEAR in a posture of sacrificial LOVE is really our ONLY FOCUS and message.
We may need to take some radical measures in coming weeks. But, we will NEED to worship. Church will not stop. It cannot be stopped. Throughout history, crisis has caused the church to take on many forms and to adjust for things far beyond the scope of even what we are faced with in our day. Our meetings may look different. But this is our moment. The church is the greatest crisis response organization in world history. This is because we have a belief system that declares that "perfect love casts out fear." When you feel fear creep in, look how to love someone. Do not deny fear's existence. Deny it a place of influence. Crisis brings opportunity. What opportunities is the Lord putting before you because of this? Don't miss these moments!
With what are you filling your spirit? Fill it with truth. Spend time in the Presence + Word so you have something to give those that are struggling. Approximately 5-10 minutes of new information is released daily in the news, so why spend hours filling your mind with it? Stay informed, and give your utmost to fill yourself with God's goodness... Spend more time with Him than the screen!
We've been experiencing a unique sense of God's Presence among us of late. Let's press into this all the more. If you choose to stay home this Sunday- make an intentional decision and engage on-line. Join us if you have no reason not to. I personally cannot wait to worship together. James Peddie will be bringing a special message in light of this moment on "Faith in a Culture in Crisis"... Whether you watch at home or come in person, this is going to be a powerful Sunday. Don't miss it;). Of course we will also be worshiping and praying into this as a community on behalf of our nation and the world.
We were born for this. It's an honor + privilege to be a family with all of you in a culture that needs our love, voice, and examples like never before.
With all our hearts,
Christian + Sue