OUR CRISIS (Coming later this year…)

PART 1 // The Cult Of Self: The Worldview Of Secularism

Have you ever rejected or minimized a teaching of Jesus or scripture because it opposed a preconceived belief that you already carried? If so, what was it?

PART 2 // The Deforming Power Of Our Idols: The Worldview Of Secularism

The Five Shifts Of Secularism:

1. From Faith to Doubt

2. From Love to Insecurity

3. From Community to Individualism

4. From Contributing to Consuming

5. From Rest to Exhaustion

What do you understand worship to be? What is the significance of worship in your own life?

PART 3 // The Search For Meaning: The Places Of False Meaning

Have you ever experienced a crisis of meaning in your own life? What was it about? How did it aect you? Why was it difficult to trust Jesus in that place?