Formation Audit

Practice helps the information we take in become a part of who we are and transform our lives.

Our exercise for this practice is to take an inventory of all the forces that are currently forming you.

01 This is one of the longest exercises in this Course, and we recommend you carve out a quiet time and place to spend ample time in thoughtful reflection and prayer.

02 Invite the Spirit of Jesus to come and illuminate your mind, silence the voice of the evil one, and to “give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better,” and that “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.”*

03 Remember to answer honestly and non-judgmentally. You will likely feel your heart drift toward shame and denial, both of which will sabotage the effectiveness of this exercise.

04 Above all, do this exercise with God. Slowly and prayerfully, and with your heart at peace.

* Ephesians 1v17-18


What habits make up your everyday life? Write out your habits.

  • Morning routine:

  • Activities of a typical workday:

  • Evening routine:

  • Activities of a typical weekend:

  • Reflection: How do you think your habits are shaping you as a person? (See the two lists below for a list of possible effects)


What relationships make up most of your life?

  • Family:

  • Friends:

  • Work:

  • Community:

  • Other

  • Reflection: How are these people shaping you as a person?

    • The key questions to ask are: What kind of person do I become when I’m around this person? What do they draw out in me or suppress in me?

Stories you believe

What are the “stories” you have come to believe?

  • What stories do you believe about God? (What is he like/not like? How does he feel toward you?)

  • What stories do you believe about yourself? (How does God see you? How do others see you? What kind of person are you? What do you see for your future?)

  • What stories do you believe about happiness? (What do you think will make you most happy and peaceful? Is it God? Money? Marriage? Success? Vacation?)

  • What stories do you believe about the meaning of life? (What do you think matters most? Perhaps your career? Family? Health? Something else?)

  • Reflection: What are the core stories of my life? Are they forming me as a person?


What are the cultural distinctives of my environment?

  • City: What is my city like? What is it known for?

  • Nation: What is my nation like? What are its highest cultural values? Generation: What are my generation’s values?

  • Digital algorithm: What are the algorithms feeding me news, information, and social connection like?

  • Ethnic and/or socio-economic group: What are the values and cultural norms and expectations of my cultural heritage and socio-economic class?

  • Reflection: How am I being formed or deformed by the cultural forces that are “normal” in my city/nation/generation/social media feed, but possibly far from the vision of Jesus?


What life experiences have most shaped me into who I am today?

  • Family of origin: What is my family like? What are its highest values? Deepest dysfunctions? Greatest legacy?

  • Traumatic events: Have I experienced a traumatic event? What story has my body wordlessly learned from that trauma?

  • Key experiences: What are the key moments on the timeline of my life that have altered the trajectory of my story?

  • Spiritual autobiography: What are the key moments of my spiritual journey thus far?

  • Reflection: How have my experiences formed and deformed me over the years? Where do I still need healing? What do I need to never forget and hold on to? What am I still missing?

OPTIONAL Recommended listening