Upper Room House of Prayer

Talisay City, Negros, Philippines


Interested in praying regularly for the Lozadas and their team on our monthly prayer support calls? Email prayer@frontierchurch.us


To give to the Lozada’s:

1- Go to Frontier’s giving page and give through any giving method. If using check or Zelle/Quickpay, be sure to write “Lozadas or Phillippines Missions” in memo:  http://frontierchurch.us/giving/

If using Tithe.ly:

  • Click on the "Tithe.ly Give button"

  • Log-in and set up an account (on the first visit)

  • In the box that says "Give to" there is a drop-down icon, select "Edwin & July Lozada Philippines Missionaries"

OR write a check to “Frontier Church of Pasadena” and send to:

1532 E Howard St, Pasadena, CA 91104

Our Philippine Vision…

Our journey to the Philippines is a bittersweet thing.

After living in LA for over 17 years we have loved it’s wonderful climate, something we’ll never have in the Philippines, but more so the people we came to know and love! What excites us most is what the Lord will do through our surrendered lives. What I discovered is when we become comfortable in one place the Lord starts moving us to another. He’s not a killjoy but He keeps upgrading us to higher levels!

It looks like the 17 year-stint here was the Lord preparing us for this journey... bringing heaven to that part of earth. This mission involves setting up a House Of Prayer, a School of Supernatural Ministry, and a house church that will initially utilize BethelTV worship services as we handle ministry time with those we gather…

The real icing on the cake, is we get reunite with our two sons, their wives-to-be, my 95 year-old mom, my three brothers and their families… we even get to reunite with the Lozada Brothers Band that was dubbed the “youngest band in the Philippines” in the 60s (but hope it won’t be dubbed the “oldest band in the Philippines” in 2018) ! We also hope to form a band with our sons and his wife (the Lord gave me one word “band” in 2002), and to pursue my entrepreneurial gifts (developing new products and businesses) for the Kingdom. I know the dream is so big for a retired couple to undertake, but we are not counting on our resources to do it but God’s! And like Abraham and Sarah we are confident that “Isaacs” will be born... all for God’s glory.

Edwin & July Lozada 09.02.18

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