Week 1 - Welcome to CG

This will be the first CG. Keep things light and focus on getting to know each other! This is a great opportunity to try the template out just to get into a flow of it. Relax and enjoy this special day!

Break Bread

Enjoy the company of each other.
Eat together with gratitude.
If possible and/or if no food, take communion together. Ask the highs and lows of the week.


Transition to a space friendly for deep engagement.
Give prayers of thanksgiving

We are going to start a time of worship. Psalm 100 says to enter his courts with

Thanksgiving. Let's host God's presence by starting our time by saying short prayers of Thanksgiving together, one at a time. It it can be as simple as thank you for food. let the spirit guide your mind and heart in the practice of Thanksgiving. I will start and then we can go around:

“Thank you Jesus for today…”
”Thank you for this house we can meet at…”

...and so on…

End the time with “Amen”

Have One Person Read The Theme of CG 2024

“Trust the Story” is a call to trusting our lives in the story of God. Our culture is increasingly teaching us to rely on ourselves. We each have a story of our lives played out in our head, yet a story without God will never satisfy our deepest longings for purpose + fulfillment. This year is an invitation to explore the biblical story, to find your place in it, and to discover how its perils and promises answer the greatest questions of modern life.

Do this Practice Tonight

Transition to a space friendly for deep discussion. Discuss any of the Following Questions in a group.

  1. What are you hoping to get out of CG this year?

  2. How often does Bible reading take place in your personal / family life (no


  3. What are parts of the Bible you wish you understood better?

  4. How has the Bible course corrected your life?

Suggestions for Practices for the Week

  1. Begin reading 1 Corinthians in your alone time

  2. Consider starting a practice of Scripture before screens

  3. 3. If you have commute times begin listening to 1 Corinthians on an audio bible (Bible app, Dwell app, and/or YouTube)

Leaving Together

Say goodbye to your new friends!

Consider standing at the door with a blessing and a hug

Exchange contact information to follow up on the takeaways!